Increasing Orders From B2B Businesses

Increasing orders from B2B businesses is essential for sustainable growth and long-term operations. 

By boosting B2B orders, companies can achieve higher revenue, build long-term relationships, and improve market positioning. Enhanced B2B transactions lead to better resource utilisation and stronger industry partnerships, ultimately driving business success.

8 Different Ways to Increase Orders from B2B Businesses

1. Understand Your Customers

Understanding customer needs and preferences is crucial in B2B business as it directly impacts sales and long-term relationships. 

By having a deep understanding of what your customers want, you can tailor your products, services, and marketing efforts to meet their specific demands. This approach leads to increased satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, more orders.

Some ways you can learn more to better understand your customers and increase B2B orders include:

  • Conduct Market Research: Use surveys, interviews, and focus groups to gather direct feedback from your customers. This helps in identifying pain points, preferences, and expectations.
  • Analyse Purchase History: Look into past purchase data to spot trends and preferences. This can guide product development and inventory decisions.
  • Engage in Direct Communication: Regularly communicate with your customers through emails, calls, and meetings. Personal interactions can provide insights that quantitative data might miss too.
  • Monitor Industry Trends: Stay updated with industry trends and news. This helps in anticipating changes in customer needs and staying ahead of the competition.

2. Improve Product Availability and Visibility

Effective inventory control is essential for increasing orders in B2B businesses. It plays a pivotal role in orchestrating the ordering, warehousing, and selling of products, streamlining the purchasing journey and improving customer accessibility. 

When your products are readily available and easy to find, it reduces friction in the buying process, leading to higher customer satisfaction and more frequent orders. Improved visibility ensures that your products stand out in a crowded market, attracting more potential buyers and increasing sales opportunities. Additionally, accessible products foster trust and reliability, encouraging repeat business and long-term customer relationships.

Here are some ways you can improve your product availability and increase B2B orders:

  • Optimise Inventory Management: Use inventory management software to track stock levels in real-time, ensuring optimal availability and preventing stockouts.
  • Effective Product Placement: Organise products with clear categorisation and intuitive navigation on your platform, making it easier for customers to find what they need.
  • Leverage Multiple Sales Channels: Expand your distribution of products via various platforms such as online marketplaces, social media, and your website to increase visibility.
  • Regularly Update Product Listings: Ensure product information is current and add accurate descriptions, high-quality images, and clear pricing.

3. Streamline the Ordering Process

A streamlined ordering process is crucial for enhancing user experience and increasing order volumes in B2B business because it simplifies and accelerates the purchasing journey. 

When the refill process is intuitive and efficient, customers can place orders quickly and without complications, reducing frustration and errors. This convenience encourages repeat purchases and larger order volumes. Additionally, a smooth ordering process can reduce B2B costs and improve overall satisfaction, leading to stronger customer loyalty and a competitive edge in the market.

Here are some key strategies you could implement to streamline your ordering process and increase B2B orders:

  • Implement User-Friendly Interfaces: Ensure your ordering platform is intuitive and easy to navigate. Simple, clear instructions and minimal steps can greatly improve the user experience.
  • Automate Reordering: Offer features such as Superfill allowing customers to set up automatic reorders for frequently purchased items. This saves time and ensures consistent supply.
  • Provide Detailed Product Information: Include comprehensive product descriptions, images, and specifications to help customers make informed decisions quickly.
  • Enable Multiple Payment Options: Offering diverse payment methods tailored to individual customer preferences is crucial for optimising the checkout process. A simple yet effective approach is integrating a versatile payment gateway solution, enabling customers to make hassle-free payments on the go.
  • Offer Real-Time Inventory Updates: Display real-time stock levels with an inventory control tool to avoid orders for out-of-stock items, reducing frustration and improving customer satisfaction.

4. Enhance Customer Service

Providing excellent customer service is crucial for retaining existing customers and attracting new ones in the B2B sector because it builds trust and loyalty, ensures quick and effective issue resolution, and enhances overall customer satisfaction. Reliable and responsive service makes clients feel valued, encouraging repeat business and positive word-of-mouth referrals. 

It’s competitive for B2B businesses; outstanding customer service differentiates your business, fostering long-term relationships and driving sustained growth through consistent and increased orders.

Some ways you can upgrade your customer service in your B2B business and increase your orders include:

  • Train Your Team: Ensure that your customer service team is well-trained to handle inquiries, complaints, and requests efficiently and professionally.
  • Implement a CRM System: Use a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to track customer interactions, preferences, and history, enabling personalised service.
  • Offer Multi-Channel Support: Provide partnership support through service professionals along with various channels such as phone, email, live chat, and social media platforms to meet customer preferences. 
  • Ask for and Act on Feedback: Regularly gather customer feedback and use it to improve your services. Show customers that their opinions are valued and taken seriously.
  • Proactive Communication: Keep customers informed about their orders, new products, and any potential issues that might arise. Proactive communication can prevent misunderstandings and build trust.

5. Implement Technology Solutions

Integrating technology into the ordering process significantly enhances efficiency, reduces errors, and improves the overall customer experience because it automates repetitive tasks, ensures accuracy, and provides real-time updates. 

Automation speeds up order processing and minimises human errors, leading to faster fulfillment and fewer mistakes. Real-time updates on inventory control and order status keep customers informed, reducing uncertainty and increasing satisfaction. 

What’s more, technology can enable better data management and analysis, helping B2B businesses to understand customer behaviour and make informed decisions, further enhancing the customer experience and driving an increase in B2B orders.

Here are some key ways a B2B business can leverage technology to grow:

  • Automated Order Management Systems: Use software to automate the entire order management process, from order placement to delivery tracking. This reduces manual errors and speeds up order processing.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems: Implement CRM systems to manage customer interactions, track orders, and personalise communication.
  • Inventory Management Software: Employ real-time inventory tracking or inventory management software designed for B2B businesses to ensure product availability and reduce the risk of stockouts.
  • E-commerce Platforms: Use e-commerce solutions that offer user-friendly interfaces, multiple payment options, and seamless integration with other systems.
  • Data Analytics: Utilise data analytics to monitor customer behaviour, predict trends, and make informed business decisions.

6. Reduce Costs for Your Customers

Reducing costs for your customers can boost ordering frequency and volume because it makes your products or services more attractive and affordable. 

Lower costs can lead to higher customer satisfaction too, as clients feel they are getting better value. This often results in increased loyalty and repeat business. Additionally, competitive pricing can attract new customers who might have been deterred by higher costs, ultimately expanding your market share and driving overall sales growth.

Here are some ways you can reduce costs to increase orders from B2B businesses:

  • Bulk Discounts: Offer discounts for larger orders to incentivise bulk purchasing, which reduces per-unit costs for customers.
  • Loyalty Programs: Implement loyalty programs that reward repeat purchases with discounts, special offers, or points redeemable for future orders.
  • Efficient Supply Chain Management: Streamline your supply chain to lower operational costs, which can then be passed on as savings to your customers.
  • Optimise Shipping Options: Provide various shipping options, including free or discounted shipping for larger orders, to reduce the overall cost for customers.
  • Promotional Offers: Regularly run promotions and special deals to provide cost-saving opportunities for your customers.

7. Market and Educate Your Customers

Educating your customers about your products and services is essential for building trust, increasing brand loyalty, and driving sales. When customers know all the ins-and-outs of your product line, they are more likely to make confident purchasing decisions and become repeat buyers.

Here are some of the easiest ways you can educate B2B businesses to increase orders:

  • Provide Comprehensive Product Information: Offer detailed descriptions, specifications, and benefits of your products using a digital asset manager to help customers understand their value.
  • Create Educational Content: Develop blog posts, videos, webinars, and guides that explain how to use your products effectively and highlight their advantages.
  • Offer Training and Support: Provide training sessions and robust customer support to ensure customers can maximise the use of your products.
  • Use Case Studies and Testimonials: Share success stories and testimonials to demonstrate the real-world benefits and effectiveness of your products.

8. Monitor and Analyse Data

Monitoring and analysing data regularly is important for understanding market trends and customer behaviour. Doing so helps businesses to make informed decisions, refine strategies, and drive growth. Here’s how to effectively monitor and analyse data:

  • Use Analytics Tools: Employ tools like Google Analytics, CRM systems, and specialised B2B platforms to gather and analyse data on customer interactions, sales, and market trends.
  • Track Key Metrics: Focus on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as conversion rates, average order value, customer acquisition costs, and retention rates to gauge business performance.
  • Customer Feedback: Collect and analyse customer feedback through surveys, reviews, and direct communication to understand their needs and preferences.
  • Sales Data: Regularly review sales data to identify patterns, trends, and opportunities for upselling or cross-selling.
  • Market Research: Conduct ongoing market research to stay updated with industry trends, competitor strategies, and emerging opportunities.

11 B2B Businesses That Increased Their Orders & How

1. Amer Sports

Amer Sports enhanced its ordering and inventory processes by leveraging data analytics, improving inventory management, and streamlining order processing. These efforts led to 100% timely pre-book orders and 30% year-on-year growth. For more details, read more.

2. Yeti

Yeti improved product visibility and streamlined their ordering process through better availability, real-time inventory updates, and automation with a dynamic digital asset manager. This approach resulted in an 85% refill growth, 95% retailer engagement, and a 76% reduction in order errors. For more details, read more.

3. XTM Performance

XTM Performance optimised its pre-booking and refilling processes, streamlined ordering, and managed inventory effectively. This led to a 20% increase in pre-book orders and a 25% increase in refill orders. For more details, read more.

4. Unify Brand Partnerships

Unify Brand Partnerships enhanced their order efficiencies by focusing on customer service, implementing CRM systems, and analysing data trends. These efforts resulted in consistent 30% year-on-year pre-book growth. For more details, read more.

5. Stokehouse Australia

Stokehouse Australia improved their inventory management and sales strategies, leading to a 35% growth in pre-book sales and a 25% increase in refill sales. For more details, read more.

6. Russell Corporation

Russell Corporation focused on efficient inventory management, bulk discounts (reducing costs for businesses), and real-time stock updates, achieving a 15% growth in field refill sales. For more details, read more.

7. Pure Fishing

Pure Fishing enhanced digital engagement, provided detailed product information, and improved supply chain management, leading to a 35% growth in refill orders and a 65% increase in retailer engagement. For more details, read more.

8. Reebok

Reebok improved pre-book and refill processes by streamlining ordering, using data analytics, and offering training and support. This resulted in a 27% increase in pre-book orders and a 60% improvement in operational efficiencies. For more details, read more.

9. Reflex Sports

Reflex Sports enhanced its ordering system and customer engagement, leading to significant growth in orders through better retailer engagement. For more details, read more.

10. Sito Shades

Sito Shades improved retailer engagement and operational efficiencies by enhancing customer service, streamlining the ordering process, and providing educational content. These efforts resulted in a 15% growth in refill orders. For more details, read more.

11. Frank Green

Frank Green focused on detailed product information, improved order management, and retailer education, leading to a 75% annual growth in refill orders and 95% retailer engagement. For more details, read more.

Get Started Increasing Orders From Your Business

Brandscope supports over 500 brands and 50,000 retailers in more than 45 countries. To learn how to grow your B2B business and increase your B2B business’s orders with Brandscope, book a demo with our team. Discover how our solutions can maximise your business potential.

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